FLEEP awarded during the “Incubators Networ and Science and Technology Parks” final
The final of the Network Incubators and Science and Technology Parks, eighth edition of the Gaetano Marzotto Prize (with the Association of Italian Science and Technology Parks, and Italia Startup), has in fact ensured 32 Italian start-ups as many paths of enfranchisement. Thus, the Bioindustry Park (Turin) has bet on the Venetian Moveo, which studies pants-exoskeleton to facilitate the mobility of the elderly, Toscana Life Sciences (Siena) believes in Tommi: virtual reality for small hospitals struggling with care, and Luiss Enlabs in Kaitiaki: artificial intelligence against cyberbullying. “Many of the award-winning ideas focus on the development of products and services with a social impact,” notes Margherita Marzotto. The investment of Progetto Marzotto is of me millions of euros in years: since 2011 the Prize has already awarded more than 8.5 million euros. Social, but not only. Make a Cube3 (Milan) has chosen Easy Tax Assistant, “an app that allows you to archive tax expenses with a technological platform for document management and allows the user to know in advance during the year the tax advantage associated with each expense,” explains the CEO and founder Daniele Pace, studies at La Sapienza and experience in consulting before developing his idea with the partner accountant Luca Rai: “And we are ready to export the app to China, after contacts with Holland, France, Germany and Spain. Matteo Marzotto also (personally) believed in the start up. Day One (Rome) instead focuses on Bettery: “We work on a battery that increases the range of the electric car,” says co-founder Francesca De Giorgio. While on Fili Pari, who developed the Veromarmo fabric with marble powder, he invests Polihub (Milan) and Namu, on whom he bets Digital Magics (Milan), he looks to artificial intelligence. ProntoPro, whose potential SellaLab (Biella) believes in, is an online market place. “We were looking for a photographer for the wedding and we understood how difficult it was to search the web for a professional”, explain Marco Ogliengo and Silvia Wang. The Apulian company Demeter.life (chosen by TIM#WCAP, Rome) uses blockchain technology, and H-Farm (Treviso) bets on Fleep: smart labels.